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New in our Happy News
Junior Happy Quiz
48 very easy Happy questions to do with the whole family. Ideal for teaching children and beginners the Happy basics of emotional and social education. An essential quiz for young and old alike to discover our Feeling Machine and its emotional compass. A Happy experience for everyone to discover and better understand the importance of emotional and moral intelligence in Happy self-management.
PDF 30 pages
3 books by Thierry Teule
To go further...

Having, Being and Loving -
The New Inner Wave
A book to give you the basics in emotional and social education. A book to understand the impact of stress, the repression of emotions and the consequences of emotional illiteracy. A book to learn concretely how to manage the 3 natural stresses, the 7 normal emotions and the 350 needs that direct our brains in reality. 42 simple Questions - Answers to succeed together in satisfying needs, managing relationships, emotions and stress. The scientific keys to the satisfaction of Body, Heart and Mind.
Having, Being and Loving by Thierry Teule - Livre de poche, 152 pages
Happy Power To You - In Praise of Confrontation in the Field of Happiness
A joyfully revolutionary book to discover the 5 keys to Happy Power in meeting our needs and relationships. A book rich in connections to the emotional brain, healthy decision making and healthy patterns of functioning (healthy patterns, toxic patterns). A landmark book in emotional intelligence to understand the Happy Power To You Matrix and decode the levels of organisation of our universal biological structure (5 senses, 7 emotions, 3 stresses, 1 memory...). A reference to open your eyes on the functioning of Happy Power and the dysfunctions of Stress Disorder. A humanist perspective without denial on the sustainable satisfaction of needs and the responsible management of resources. A praise for Happy Empowerment and emotional education to succeed in our ecological transition towards a healthy, joyful and sustainable sobriety. A response to Freud and Laborit on the core problem of the "Stress of Life". A cry from the heart to finally dare to get in touch with reality in the satisfaction of our true needs. Yes, we can get satisfaction!
Happy Power To You by Thierry Teule - Livre de poche, 326 pages
The 7 Step Programme - Body, Heart and Mind Intelligence
A book to put Happy Power into practice and to take action in a concrete way thanks to the 7 Step Program. A book with exercises, questionnaires and personal development practices to work on the 7 steps. With checks and answers at each step to validate your progress. Beware of the conditions of use because a book that makes you work on yourself and that makes things happen.
The 7-Step Program by Thierry Teule - PDF book of 175 pages
Articles for download
To go further...
The Easy Recipes - Recipe n°1 : Anti - Divorce (or ecological and sustainable love)
A mini-book on ecological and sustainable loving, or how to learn as a couple to better manage Receiving & Giving in honesty, fairness, loyalty and reciprocity. A quick recipe for cultivating healthy benevolence, responsible behaviour and joyful fulfilment together. A warm and practical article in moral intelligence to discover the Golden Rule and the Supreme Value in love.
PDF of 10 pages
History of stress and neuroscientific evolution towards awareness of emotional realities
An 8-page article with key dates and discoveries about stress and emotions since 1856. An article to understand the current evolutions in progress towards more social awareness of realities (affective, emotional and moral). A psychohistorical insight into our emergence from denial and our ongoing environmental awareness. It's getting hot...
PDF of 8 pages
Decoding our Universal Biological Structure (UBS) and human functioning pattern
A new operating model for a successful ecological transition from a consumer society to a satisfaction society. Biological and neuroscientific keys to satisfying needs, environmental management of resources and improved decision-making processes. A new vision of how things work in the age of the emotional brain and cognitive-behavioural patterns (toxic and healthy patterns).
PDF of 4 pages
The Scientific Keys to Well-Being and Ill-Being
The essentials for understanding the importance of sensory-motor stress and the impact of frozen tensions due to lack, shock, neglect and abuse. A landmark article to open your eyes to the realities and consequences of stress disorder (PTSD).
5 page PDF
From the consumer society to the satisfaction society - Vision, values and meaning around Happy Power.
The psychosocial keys to happiness, between the denial of pain, the destructiveness of the environment and the repression of emotions in our modern tribes. A new vision of things to better understand the need for ecological transition towards the sustainable satisfaction of our needs, the responsible management of our resources and the psychosocial prevention of dysfunctions.
PDF of 3 pages
An article in La Provence for emotional and social education
"Madame Macron, This is not a letter to the sea, this is a committed plea for emotional and social education, inspired by the struggle of American billionaire Oprah Winfrey..." Letter from Thierry Teule to Brigitte Macron on 31/10/2021.
1 page PDF
Art is emotion, poems and quotes
Poems by Thierry Teule and well-known quotes to ponder. The essentials probably, but told here in a different way.
PDF of 11 pages
The decision-making cube. How our brains process data. Decoding the organisational levels of our decision-making.
An educational cube to help you understand the essentials of how the brain works to satisfy our needs and manage our resources. The organisational levels of normal decision-making, with the right questions to ask yourself to avoid the worst. An essential self-management kit for recharging your batteries. An easy, useful tool for managing your life better (once you've taken the time to understand it properly by following the Happy Power Matrix colour code).
PDF 2 pages
Open letter to the President of the Mutualité Française and to the Coalisés of Health Prevention
A letter of encouragement to Eric Chenut and the Coalisés de la Prévention Santé to go further in the fight against stress and psychosocial risks. A letter to measure the price of stress and the socio-economic cost of denial in our multi-level tribes. A letter to help us open our "eyes of the heart" to the issues at stake in the happy functioning of our Feeling Machine and to the dysfunctions that mirror Stress Disorder (psycho-corporal dissociation, mental rumination, compulsive behaviour, denial of the stress we've taken on, etc.). An invitation from Thierry Teule to mutual insurance companies to join ISA and Agir avec les Bonnes Mères in their Happy Power Project.
PDF 2 pages - 2024