Webinars & Conferences


My method

Webinar: Overview of the steps 1 à 2 of the 7-step programme

Discover steps 1 to 2 of the 7-step programme. This webinar is offered every Tuesday at 8.15pm (40 minutes).

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Who is this webinar for?

People who are starting the 7-Step Programme. People who are working on steps 1 and 2. People who are interested in doing the 7 Step Programme.

What topics will be covered?

Preparation for the 7-Step Programme. Reminder of the objectives, limitations and conditions of use. Presentation of the tools and resources available. Grasping the keys to freezing stress tensions and getting back into motion (Freezing; Dr Henri Laborit and Dr Hans Selye). Integrate the personal development process through the 7 steps of the Programme. Understand the impact of Stress Disorder on our normal functioning and start Step 1 in practice through the body (reconnection versus dissociation). Learn in step 2 the necessary basics in stress management, emotions, needs and relationships. Validate the knowledge acquired in emotional and social education (checks and corrections of steps 1 and 2).

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Webinar: Overview of the steps 5 à 7 of the 7-step programme

Discover steps 5 to 7 of the 7-step programme. This webinar is offered every Tuesday at 8.15pm (40 minutes).

Who is this webinar for?

People who finish their 7-Step Programme. People who have already done the work of emotional digestion of past wounds in the previous stages (Healing the Inner Child; Isabelle Filliozat).

What topics will be covered?

Life change and integration of one's history. Acceptance of realities, new patterns of functioning and transformation of things from the past. Recognition of one's abilities, resources, gifts and talents. Projects in action and personal renewal. New direction, new meaning and new values. Improved decision-making (Dr Walter Mischel; COF long circuit). Better management of relationships, emotions and needs. Possible reparations, necessary renunciations, healthy attachments and responsible commitments. Environmental awareness of psychosocial realities, identification of manipulative behaviour and double bind to avoid toxic situations. Participation in the Give & Take, passing on with courage and improving things at one's level.

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Cycle of conferences: From the consumer society to the satisfaction society.

Discover the keys to emotional and social education, neuroscientific management and humanist empowerment. This webinar is offered free of charge once a month to subscribers to the 7-Step Programme.

Who is this webinar for?

All those interested in emotional and social education to better move together from a society of resource consumption to a society of need satisfaction. All those interested in the psychosocial issues surrounding the ecological transition to better balance economic growth and psychological development in a responsible, healthy and sustainable way.

What topics will be covered?

Emotional and moral intelligence, environmental and social destructiveness, prevention of psychosocial risks (Dr Henri Laborit, James Baldwin). Healthy and toxic functioning patterns (Happy Power versus Stress Disorder). Sustainable satisfaction of needs and responsible management of resources/relationships (integrating the recognised tools of NVC by Dr Marshall Rosenberg). Environmental and socio-economic issues around outer sobriety, inner poverty and emotional satisfaction. Managing stress, emotions, relationships, needs and resources in our living environments. The denial of pain and the disregard for happiness in our consumer societies. The management of Give & Take and Fair Play in our relationships. The dysfunctions linked to Stress Disorder. Social violence, emotional poverty and moral misery linked to emotional illiteracy. Neuroscience of the emotional brain in psychotherapy. The decoding of our Universal Biological Structure on the functional level for the satisfaction of our needs (management of our 5 senses, 7 emotions and 3 universal stresses).

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