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The new videos

Here the latest videos published

Happy Power To You Matrix and decoding of our Universal Biological Structure - Basics of our functioning with our 5 senses, 7 emotions and 3 universal stresses.
Happy Power To You Matrix and environmental satisfaction - Basics for managing your Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats.
How the Happy Power To You Matrix works and the 5 dysfunctions of Stress Disorder - Figment, Dissociation, Misinterpretation, Compulsion and Denial.
Happy Power To You matrix and life energy - Sensorimotor energy, nerve tension, neural connection and muscle stimulation in the links between us.
Happy Power To You Matrix and Universal Movement by David BOHM - Universal structure and fundamental organisation between fusion and separation, connection and differentiation of things. A key to discern, sort and keep at all levels.
Happy Power To You matrix and data processing by the brain - The levels of organisation of a binary logic +/- between positive energy and negative tension, between opportunities and threats, between healthy satisfaction and abusive consumption.

16 key videos

  1. the 4 stages of natural need satisfaction
  2. the 7 normal emotions of the human brain
  3. the 5 universal languages of love
  4. the 4 neuroscientific keys to happiness
  5. the 7 wounds of the heart
  6. the 5 dragons of emotion 
  7. the 4 verbs of the relationship
  8. the 3 normal reactions to stress
  9. the 7 parasitic emotional disorders
  10. painful, sickly, passive and abusive stress: FREEZING
  11. the 4 stages of inhibition of action and repression of emotions (FREEZING)
  12. the 3 symptoms in FREEZING
  13. the 10 psychological locks of the FREEZING pressure cooker
  14. the 5 stages of emotional digestion
  15. the 4 human brains
  16. the 5 psychotherapeutic principles of stress
Key #1 - The 4 stages of natural need satisfaction
Key #2 - The 7 normal emotions of the human brain
Key #3 - The 5 universal languages of love
Key #4 - The 4 neuroscientific keys to happiness
Key #5 - The 7 wounds of the heart (or 7 roots of stress)
Key #6 - The 5 dragons of emotion
Key #7 - The 4 verbs of the relationship
Key #8 - The 3 normal reactions to stress 
Key #9 - The 7 parasitic emotional disorders 
Key #10 - Sick, passive and abusive stress: Freezing
Key #11 - The 4 stages of action inhibition and emotional repression (Freezing)
Key #12 - The 3 bugs or symptoms of Freezing
Key #13 - The 10 psychological locks of the pressure cooker
Key #14 - The 5 stages of emotional digestion
Key #15 - The 4 human brains
Key #16 - The 5 psychotherapeutic principles of stress
Vidéos faciles

All videos

Anxiety, Fear, Agitation and Depression...

Qu’est ce qu’on fait maintenant ?

What do we do now?

Le suicide, comprendre et savoir y faire face

Suicide, understanding and coping

Les symptômes du stress

The symptoms of stress

Les addictions


La thérapie, c’est quoi ?

What is therapy?

Haine, colère, rage et violence

Hate, anger, rage and violence

Le pardon, c’est quoi ?

What is forgiveness?

Est-il un pervers, oui ou non ?

Is he a pervert or not?

Comment apaiser le bug de stress ?

How to soothe the stress bug?

Le stress dans le corps

Stress in the body

C’est quoi l’intelligence émotionnelle ?

What is emotional intelligence?

L’amour c’est quoi ?

What is love?

La source de stress

The source of stress

La différence entre le stress et les émotions

The difference between stress and emotions

C’est quoi le stress ?

What is stress?

Comment savoir gérer la violence

How to deal with violence

Les techniques thérapeutiques

Therapeutic techniques

Si la naissance a été difficile

If the birth was difficult

La passivité


L’angoisse et l’anxiété

Anguish and anxiety

C’est quoi la folie ?

What is madness?

Les phobies et les TOCs

Phobias and OCD

Suis-je fou ?

Am I crazy?

La violence


La perversion, c’est quoi ?

What is perversion?

Les techniques de communication perverse

Perverse communication techniques

Les fausses croyances

False beliefs

Les comportements de sur-adaptation

Over-adaptation behaviour

L’éducation des enfants pour les nuls

Parenting for Dummies

A quoi cela sert un père, une mère ?

What is the use of a father, a mother?

Les signes de reconnaissance

Signs of recognition

Comment choisir son psy ?

How to choose your shrink?

Intelligence, conscience et bon sens

Intelligence, awareness and common sense

Relation insoluble et monde à l’envers: la double contrainte

Unsolvable relationship and upside down world: the double bind

Acceptation normale, saine méditation et indignation naturelle

Normal acceptance, healthy meditation and natural indignation

La nouvelle vague en psychothérapie

The new wave in psychotherapy

Les 8 D du narcissisme, de l’égoïsme et du déni

The 8 Ds of narcissism, egoism and denial

Les 4 dimensions de l’abus sexuel

The 4 dimensions of sexual abuse

Les 4 tentations pour oublier en soi

The 4 temptations to forget within

Le cycle Manque, Abus, Mépris et Abandon

The cycle of Lack, Abuse, Contempt and Abandonment

Stress et trauma

Stress and trauma

Comprendre le sentiment de bien-être

Understanding the feeling of well-being

Clé #16 – Les 5 principes psychothérapeutiques du stress

Key #16 - The 5 psychotherapeutic principles of stress

Clé #15 – Les 4 cerveaux humains

Key #15 - The 4 human brains

Clé #14 – Les 5 étapes de la digestion émotionnelle

Key #14 - The 5 stages of emotional digestion

Clé #13 – Les 10 verrous psychologiques de la cocotte-minute

Key #13 - The 10 psychological locks of the pressure cooker

Clé #12 – Les 3 bugs ou symptômes du Freezing

Key #12 - The 3 bugs or symptoms of Freezing

Clé #11 – Les 4 étapes de l’inhibition de l’action et de la répression des émotions (Freezing)

Key #11 - The 4 stages of action inhibition and emotional repression (Freezing)

Clé #10 – Le stress maladif, passif et abusif: le Freezing

Key #10 - Sick, passive and abusive stress: Freezing

Clé #9 – Les 7 troubles émotionnels parasites

Key #9 - The 7 parasitic emotional disorders

Clé #8 – Les 3 réactions normales du stress

Key #8 - The 3 normal stress reactions

Clé #7 – Les 4 verbes de la relation

Key #7 - The 4 verbs of relationship

Clé #6 – Les 5 dragons de l’émotion

Key #6 - The 5 dragons of emotion

Clé #5 – Les 7 blessures du coeur (ou 7 racines du stress)

Key #5 - The 7 wounds of the heart (or 7 roots of stress)

Clé #4 – Les 4 clefs neuroscientifiques du bonheur

Key #4 - The 4 neuroscientific keys to happiness

Clé #3 – Les 5 langages universels de l’amour

Key #3 - The 5 universal languages of love

Clé #2 – Les 7 émotions normales du cerveau humain

Key #2 - The 7 normal emotions of the human brain

Clef #1 – Les 4 étapes de la satisfaction naturelle des besoins

Key #1 - The 4 stages of natural need satisfaction