


International Satisfaction Association (ISA)

80, rue Saint Jacques
13006 Marseille

Consulting, training and research - Neuroscientific management - Customer needs and relationships - Leadership and decision making - Prevention of psychosocial risks - Team empowerment - Coaching and psychotherapy.

Founder : Thierry Teule

Telephone :

Website and training courses :

Fees and demand for psychotherapy :


Thierry Teule
Founder Consultant Researcher Practitioner

My name is Thierry Teule. I have been a neuroscientific management consultant and psychotherapy practitioner for almost 20 years. I have a dual training in management and needs satisfaction. I also have 12 years of training in psychotherapy, in schools of the French Federation of Psychotherapy (FF2P).

With a humanistic orientation focused on the needs of the person, I am specialised in the management of stress, needs, emotions and relationships in our different life environments (society, business, family,...).

I integrate into my professional practice new knowledge about the emotional brain, environmental stress, patterns of functioning and memory-reaction dysfunctions ("Stress Disorder" caused by the freezing of stress tensions with dissociation, cognitive bias, compulsion and denial).

I work in team coaching, customer relationship management, psychosocial risks and psychotherapy. I also do research in the field of stress prevention, need satisfaction and emotional intelligence (decoding our universal biological structure and the brain's processing of data for need satisfaction).